[Update] Now includes video, below

I was ecstatic to attend my first Cory Doctorow reading/signing yesterday at Red Emma’s bookstore. The small bookstore/coffeehouse was packed so tight that there was continued difficulty to open/close the front door to let more people in. The place has some amazing circulation, though, as it didn’t get stuffy or uncomfortably hot.
I made my way to the back of the store during the Q&A to buy an iced tea and a copy of Cory’s new book For The Win, and with luck was the third in line to get the book autographed. I can’t wait to start reading it as I loved the short story it was based on titled Anda’s Game.
The tea was quite good and if I lived closer to Baltimore I could see relaxing at Red Emma’s for a drink while browsing, reading, or writing.

Tonight Cory will be speaking at the