Audio Excellence in Podcasting

I have finally finished posting all of the materials from the Audio Excellence in Podcasting workshop we presented at Balticon 44. The three hour session was a lot of fun and I believe that the attendees got a lot out of the session. There were some really great questions and interactions and we covered somethings to a deeper degree than originally planned.

We didn’t get through all of the planned material, but the pace and discussion was based on how the audience was doing with the information and we have many notes and changes to bring a tighter program to Balticon next year.

Thanks to our panelists: Arioch Morningstar, J. Daniel Sawyer, and John Taylor Williams for sharing their time and knowledge.

Special thanks to Thomas Gideon for the loan of his recording gear since my morning brain fog forgot mine in the hotel room!

Battle Cancer and See Us Play

Next Wednesday we will be playing a live acoustic show in Alexandria, Virginia. The show is in support of a fund raiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I didn’t realize until yesterday that the day we will be playing is actually the one year anniversary of my brother Jamie’s death from cancer.

I cannot think of a better way to honor his memory – an amazing musician – than playing live and supporting this cause. Jamie had synovial sarcoma which is a soft tissue cancer, whereas Leukemia & Lymphoma Society support blood cancers – but hey – any progress made to eradicate ONE of these bastards is a win against all of them!

Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: The Light Horse at 715 King Street in Alexandria, Virginia

Here are the details from the Facebook event page:

Please come out and support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as we raise funds to help prevent blood cancers! Brett and I will be participating in The Nations Triathlon on September 12th. YES,That means swimming in the Potomac!!

The Light Horse has been very generous to host this event. There will be music by Phil Rossi and the Awakening,acoustic by Steve Bowes (personal friend of Trish’s), and Claire Gilbride . Also, our close friend John Krahulic will be bringing in his brew Holy Brew, the liquid confession!

Guest Bartender!! Devon McTavish from DC United!

Hope all can make it for a great cause. If you cannot make the event, please feel free to make a donation at

The Band Plays On

After almost 20 years of playing with myself, I’ve joined a band.

I’ve been twice married, lived in three different states, and had a son since the last time I played music with other people. It’s been a long road to get here, but it feels fantastic (even if a bit terrifying). The band in question is “Phil Rossi and the Awakening”, led by author and hoopy frood Phil Rossi.

We’ve got a live show at Balticon (in … five days! _gulp_) in which time I need to finish learning 13 songs with one full band rehearsal on Wednesday.

Yeah…. live without a net ๐Ÿ™‚

Some history for those interested:

I started playing music when I was a kid. I don’t remember the age (probably 8 or 9) but we always had a piano in the house while growing up and I would sit at that piano and perform grand concerts. In my head they were grand, to anybody listening it was probably a cacophony of notes, hand slaps, and howls. My brother was an amazing guitarist and his strumming, singing, and full band rehearsals were a constant in my life.

Synsonic drum padWhen I got a little bit older my mom bought me a SynSonics drum pad and I spent countless hours hammering out drum beats. For a short time I played trombone at school before buying a bass guitar. I initially chose bass because everybody wanted to be a guitarist, or a singer, or a drummer. Why jump into something that’s going to be saturated with other people? This has actually served me well since you can usually swing a cat and hit a guitarist, but good bass players are harder to come by.

I came to realize later that I had a deeper connection to playing bass though. I’ve always been drawn to rhythm and percussion and bass is intimately tied to these. In high school I started jamming with friends. I also played around with my friends guitars, figuring out Metallica, Helloween, and Iron Maiden riffs. I had a decent knack for playing songs by ear. A friend of a friend came by my place to hear me play a little bass on a combo amp I had in my garage. He liked what he heard and invited me to try out for the band at his place.

In a classic scenario, I showed up and plugged into the current bass players rig (who wasn’t there at the time) and we played a couple tunes. They asked if I wanted to join the band and called him to come and get his stuff! We played together for several years and enjoyed a decent amount of success. Through circumstances I won’t go into now, we missed out on a possible recording deal and shortly thereafter the band broke up. Well, a member of the band left anyway and the rest of us wanted to start something new, rather than continue on with the old name.

We played together in side projects and substituted in friends bands when they had members out sick or whatever but didn’t make any significant progress. Not to say we didn’t have a great time and write some awesome songs! But we grew up.. and I ended up getting married and moving out of state.

That was the last time I played with anybody. And since bass is pretty damn boring to play alone, I largely abandoned it. I continued to fiddle with music off and on, playing electric guitar, programing drum loops and virtual synth instruments, but it was always a back-burnered activity, falling behind other pursuits.

Lately I’ve been embracing the creative – largely due to urging and inspiration from my wife – I’ve been writing fiction, I’ve been writing music, and I’ve been reaching out to other artists. The opportunity came to play with Phil and though it seemed like things would never line up, I made it over for a jam session and it was exhilarating. I felt like I could barely string two notes together for a bit as I was clearing out the cobwebs, but Phil and his drummer Keith were very encouraging and complimentary and it was a blast.

That’s my story.. no morals, no big take away.. Just, I’ll never forget the strength of a loving partner, and will cherish the communion of a rock groove with a group of like minded explorers. I can’t wait to get to the next practice!

My Balticon 44 Schedule

I can’t wait to get to Balticon this Memorial Day weekend (May 28-31, 2010) and honored to once again participate as a panelist, performer, and moderator.

Here is a list of the events I will be participating in. Come on by and say hello- I’d love to meet you! The schedule is pretty stable, but there is always a possibility that some of the times or rooms may change – so please check back before heading out to make sure you’ve got current info.

Being a Parent in the World of New Media and Social Networking
When: Friday 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Derby

Transparency vs. Reality
Being a parent alone can be hard enough, but in the world of New Media and Social Networking, there are some good things out there – and some bad things. We’ll talk about the various issues that parents have to deal with regards to New Media, as both listeners and creators, what’s out there for kids, and what measures parents can go to protect their children.

Into The Blender, Live
When: Friday 11:00pm – Midnight
Where: Chesapeake

Dealing with blended families
Chooch, Viv, and possibly a special guest discuss parenting; blended families (children from previous marriages); dealing with school, work, long distance family relationships; pop culture; gaming, and gadgetry geekiness.

Master’s Session: Audio Excellence in Podcasting
When: Saturday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Where: Derby

Presented by professional audio engineers
Master’s Session: Audio Excellence in Podcasting Our panel of professional audio engineers will discuss various topics surrounding audio engineering. They will help you get the best sound out of the equipment you have, help you pick the next piece of important equipment within your budget, and help you avoid burnout by streamlining your workflow to shorten the time you spend editing audio.

NaNoWriMo for Noobs
When: Saturday 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: Chesapeake

How it was won or lost
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a motivational novel-writing program for anyone who has wanted to write a novel but doesn’t know how to get started. The program provides guidelines, structure and countless tools for success yet many still do not complete the 50,000 words required to be a winner. This panel of NaNoWriMo participants and winners will discuss their strategies for success, and if finishing even matters.

Live Metamor City
When: Saturday 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: Chesapeake

SF/Urban Fantasy/Noir radio drama
Metamor City is a gritty mega-metropolis where the buildings soar hundreds of meters above ground and humans rub shoulders with vampires, shapeshifters, and even stranger beings. Come listen as creator Chris Lester and his all-star cast perform a live radio drama — complete with music and sound effects — and enter a world like nothing you’ve ever seen. A Q&A session with Chris will follow the performance

Phil Rossi and the Awakening
When: Saturday 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: Garden Room

Rock Concert
I will be performing as part of Phil’s band in the Garden Room for an hour of rock and roll. This will be my first time performing live in over 15 years! (gulp)

Sci-Fi / Fantasy Prom
When: Saturday 11:00pm – 2:00am
Where: Derby

Pirates, fairies, etc. This is what we wanted our prom to be…
This is the prom where geeks rule and freak flags fly. Come as your favorite fantasy or sci-fi character, and the very best costumes will be rewarded. Don’t have a partner? Throw on an undershirt and bring a toaster – bam, you’re Chief Tyrol! Tee Morris is the returning DJ, and Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit returns as the Master of Ceremonies. This event is hosted by Chooch and Viv of the Into the Blender podcast.

May 28-31, 2010

Random Acts of Chooch